Limnetica 30

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Effects of a dry period on the limnological characteristics of a Mediterranean high mountain lake

García F., Jiménez F. & Guerrero F.

This investigation assesses the effects of a drought period on the physical and chemical properties and on the plankton community of a Mediterranean high mountain lake (Río Seco, Sierra Nevada, Spain). The study was performed over two consecutive years, 2005 and 2006. Both years were characterised by strong differences associated with rainfall patterns. The first year was extremely dry and had rainfall values far below the mean annual average of 813 mm that has been observed over the previous twenty years. The results of the study confirm that the dissolved inorganic nitrogen: soluble reactive phosphorus ratio (DIN:SRP) showed notable differences throughout both study years, with a greater nitrogen limitation during 2005. The ratio of total biovolume of autotrophic to heterotrophic organisms (A:H) also presented interannual differences. The A:H ratio was generally below 1 during 2005, whereas it was above this value in 2006. Therefore, the main plankton component was mesozooplankton in 2005 and phytoplankton in 2006. Ciliates and bacteria showed a mean biovolume significantly higher in 2005, whereas the biovolume of heterotrophic nanoflagellates was similar during both years. These results indicate a prevalent “top-down” control by zooplankton during the dry year and, on the contrary, a predominant “bottom-up” control during the wetter year as a consequence of the nutrient limitation of primary production.

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