Limnetica 21

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Physical Characterisation and Microphytobenthos Biomass of Estuarine and Lagoon Environments of the Southwest Coast of Portugal

P. Fidalgo e Costa, V. Brotas and L. Cancela da Fonseca

Three lagoon-estuarine systems of the Southwest coast of Portugal were compared, on the basis of their physical characteristics and microphytobenthos. During a 14-month period (April 1993 to May 1994), monthly samples of sediment were collected intertidally at low tide, in order to characterize the sediment. Organic matter content, granulometry, chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentration were estimated. Temperature. salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH of the bottom layer of water were also measured in situ. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to define and explain relationships between location and the measured variables. Sediment dynamics, driven by tidal currents and runoff during wet period, apparently control the behavior of abiotic parameters in these systems

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